Consent to COVID-19 RegulationsVickyDay2021-04-02T07:41:31+00:00 COVID-19 REGULATIONS FOR HALL-BASED GROUP CLASSES UPDATED APRIL 2021 Please submit the form below to consent to our COVID-19 regulations for hall-based classes at the following venues: St Paul’s Church, Brentford University College Boat House, Chiswick Barnes Methodist Church Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.The following regulations are intended to provide reassurance that we have carried out a full risk assessment to reduce the possibility of transference of the virus known to cause the disease COVID-19. General Regulations:1. SymptomsOwners will not be accepted into class if they have symptoms of COVID-19 or if they should be self- isolating. If an owner feels unwell in the run up to class or on the day of class, it is their responsibility to inform the trainer ahead of the class and to make sure that they or any other member from the same household do not attend class.2. AttendanceA maximum of two owners per puppy can attend. One owner can be a child aged 8 or over. It will be the responsibility of the adult with the child to ensure that any child remain seated and/or in the designated area for the duration of the class. 3. Touch pointsOwners should not touch any entry/exit points. These will be operated by the trainer. 4. Hand sanitisersHand sanitiser will be available to use upon entry and departure of the class. 5. Face coveringsAll owners should bring their own face coverings (masks need to be worn). Your trainer will be wearing a face visor to enable clear teaching. N.B. Young puppies can be scared of people in masks you will need to be sensitive to this around yours and other peoples’ dogs in class. Guidance will be given by your trainer on how to best approach this.6. Refunds and cancellation policyIn the event that we enter another nationwide lockdown or London enters Tier 3 regulations, all our hall-based courses will transfer automatically to online. This will ensure that there is no break in your training and that you are able to complete your course in a timely manner. We regret that we cannot offer refunds once you have commenced training so please consider this carefully before booking onto a hall-based course.Specific Puppy Class Regulations:1. Water and bowlsPlease bring your own water and dog water bowls to avoid cross contamination. 2. TreatsPlease bring enough high value treats for your puppy as sharing of treats by trainer or other attendees will not be permitted. Some treats will be available for purchase if you have forgotten, run out or your treats are not sufficiently motivating for your puppy. 3. ToysBring your own toys each week; long soft tug toys are generally best. Any toys that are used by the tutor for demonstration purposes will be single use only and kept separately and cleaned before use in another class. 4. MatsPlease bring your own small mat for your puppy to settle on comfortably.5. Poo bagsPlease bring your own poo bags and pick up any of your puppy’s fowling. Owners must also dispose of the waste themselves after class (outside of the premises).6. Work space and seatingOwners will be designated a work space for the duration of the class. Chairs will be available in each space for owners to sit down if they wish. Chairs will be cleaned between sessions. 7. EntryOwners will be asked to enter the hall one by one. Whilst waiting outside they must maintain social distancing. On entering the hall owners will be guided to their designated space and must remain there during the class unless invited to another designated area, or when asked to leave. 8. LeadsAll puppies must remain on leads at all times. 9. ExitOwners will be directed to leave the hall one-by-one and should fully leave the premises.10. ContactOwners are not allowed to touch each other’s puppies and should make sure that no puppies meet one another on their way into class, during class or after class. This avoids tangling of leads that would then require social distancing rules to be broken.11. SocialisationWe cannot offer human/puppy socialisation exercises during the class in order to maintain social distancing. Training exercises on this will be delivered to you via discussion, safe tutor demonstration, and/or video/projector.12. Off-lead playWe cannot offer off-lead puppy play during the sessions due to necessary human intervention to keep puppies safe which brings people too close together. However, your puppy will be working in the presence of other puppies, at a safe distance, and this itself will prove to be a valuable socialisation opportunity. In addition, with owner’s authorization, we will be happy to share the contact details of other course attendees allowing you to arrange your own carefully socially distanced and well managed walks or get-togethers if this is of interest to you.14. Accidental contactAntiviral wipes, specifically for animals, are available should any accidental contact be made between dogs or people. This is for everyone’s safety and confidence; please do not be offended if your dog is wiped after accidental contact.15. Training demonstrationsTraining demonstrations take place with a combination of the trainer demonstrating with a puppy (trainer will wear gloves during handling), and (depending on the venue), video/projector. Please advise the trainer if you prefer not to have your puppy used for a demonstration.16. Toilet breaksIf your puppy needs to leave the room to go to the toilet during class, please alert your trainer and you will be directed to a suitable location. Statement:All owners attending class agree to accept all risk and liability for any subsequent illness or injury which may later be deemed to be the result of their class attendance. Whilst the trainer accepts it is their responsibility to provide a safe training environment, they accept no liability for the safety of the owner or their puppy with regards to any COVID-19 related illnesses which may later be deemed to be the result of the owner’s class attendance.Your details:Name *FirstLastPet's Name *Your consent *By ticking this box I confirm I have read the above regulations and consent to abide by them in full.Date *WebsiteSubmit THANK YOU